Hub For Digital Innovations (H4DI) is a consortium of its founding members, which are: 

CzechInno Association

An interest association founded to support the development of innovation in Czech companies

Electrotechnical Association of the Czech Republic

Association of companies and representatives of employers in the field of electrical engineering

Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Interest association founded by six professional institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the holder of the Enterprise Europe Network Czech Republic


Society of Science and Technology Parks of the Czech Republic

association of science parks, technology centers and business incubators from all over the Czech Republic.

Strategic accessing partners of H4DI are:

Long-term strategic partners of H4DI are:

 ELA Blockchain Services

as the provider of first ever Czech open blockchain platform ELA Blockchain

University College of Business in Prague

as provider of a university education in first ever interdisciplinary study programme Digital Economics and Society whose aim is to educate profesionals in the field of usage of new informational tools within digitalisation of enterprises and society.

České Radiokomunikace (CRA) 

as the provider of a unique radio, television and internet infrastructure in the Czech Republic, initiator of an open platform for sharing of data within Internet of Things CRA IoT HUB and provider of the platform to support successful implementation of IoT in enterprises and public organisations IoT Port

Komerční banka (KB)

as a banking institution offering exclusive services and products with EIB guarantee and supporting foundation and growth of digital enterprises as well as digital transformation of the Czech enterprises and organisations

H4DI furthermore systematically cooperates with many more important implementation partners

Our aim is to offer Czech SMEs and public organisations access to the technologies, infrastructure and services needed to successfully increase their digital maturity and manage the consequences of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

We meet the definition of Digital Innovation Hub and we are part of the European catalog of these hubs.

Our current European projects

Planning future collaboration of DIHs and EDIHs across Europe

Pan-European ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs Initiative to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe

Boosting digital innovation in Europe, mobilising regions to cooperate on the discovery of advanced digital solutitons

Digital transformation of the European Agrifood Sector

European federation of data driven innovation hubs

Supporting transformation of manufacturing SMEs to become Factories of the Future embracing the ecological, digital, and societal challenges

DIH network for boosting technology and business development in South, Eastern and Central Europe



We organize educational and training events for companies, such as the following:


Regular thematic regional and online events- currently specifically dedicated to the topics of IoT and blockchain

Annual international forums aimed to promote cooperation in the field of digital


Annual parade of smart entrepreneurship and activities of the Czech and European Digital Innovation Hubs  


We provide and support systhematic education in the field of digital knowledge and skills, i.e.


Study programme Digital Economics and Society  dedicated to the students as well as professionals

Systhem of seminars and worskhops to widen the skills in the field of data analytics and data science

Base of the knowledge needed to perceive and successfully implement the Elements of AI

Basic cours of Industry 4.0 and connected digital solutions for students as well as teachers and professionals from the enterprises


We facilitate access to finances for projects focusing on digital transformation, namely:


Through our awareness-raising and educational events, individual assistance within submitting your projects and our direct participation in projects focused on digital growth of enterprises and organizations

Within the services of National Information Centre for European Research and assistance of National Contact Points


We create environment and provide access to experiments with digital technologies:

We provide free-of-charge possibility of Digital Maturity Evaluation Model

We ease the orientation of those, who are interested in implementation of a robotic solution, in their needs and matching offers within the app How to handle a robot

We enable experiments with data from the IoT sources within our platform for open IoT data sharing (IoT commons) IoT Hub

We offer the possibility for experimental blockchain solutions on ELA Blockchain Platform


We implement projects aimed at mediating the dissemination of digital know-how to small and medium-sized companies:

DigitaliseSME – a project aimed at implementing exchanges of digitization experts in foreign small and medium-sized companies throughout the EU


We mediate contact between:

Ordinary “non-digital” SMEs and organisations on the one hand and research organizations and academic institutions on the other


Innovative companies and their potential partners


Czech and European Digital Innovation Hubs within the DIHNET.EU Project


All those who need more information, contacts and facilities to better orientate in their digital needs and the matching solutions for successful and fair digital transformation of Czech SMEs and organisations and those who can help them


Because we believe that…

… digitizing a business pays off

..every digital solution has its necessary contexts and you need to think about them the most.

..when those who have a chance to find common ground come together, the resulting effect can only be positive.


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Get involved in one of our projects

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